A typical day in Stage 4 LOCKDOWN in Victoria, Australia

Staying at home and obeying curfew!

We are lucky as we still have our jobs, our overall health is great ( except for David’s failed shoulder surgery) and so far we don’t know anyone that has tested positive to Covid 19. Apart from not being able to travel or see family – life really is not that bad.

I know that life in lockdown would be very different if you were unable to work, lost a loved one, battling a serious disease, a person with a disability that relies on 24/7 care. The impact in the local community and in the wider state of Victoria is felt in some way by everyone – just in varying degrees.

I am used to working from home so that hasn’t changed for me.  I go for a daily walk with the dogs – just with a mask on.

As to food shopping David and I have been taking it in turns – when we need to.

We very rarely go out after 8pm for any reason so the only thing we notice about the curfew is how quiet the noise of cars and trucks on nearby roads are. It is so quiet at night between 8pm and 5am!

A typical Day for me in Lockdown – Melbourne Victoria

I still get up at the same time everyday – the dogs make sure of that. They start barking in the morning anywhere from 5am through to 6.30am most days.

Online exercise

  • A daily dose of exercise. My local gym is not an option and I have found the online versions of the classes I used to to there just as motivating, and I can fit more into my week. I used to drive 15 minutes to class, get there 15 minutes early, do the class for 1 hour, chat and then come home. There were only 2 classes that I liked doing so really that was it. Now I can choose from so many different classes, there are heaps of technique tips, and do them anytime I want. It’s great.
  • Walking the dogs. They are getting older now and can only handle a small walk around the block. They love it so much I just have to do it. It is nice to get out and get some fresh air too.


  • I still have a bit of work coming in from my clients that need website updates. This keeps me busy on most days.

If there is time..or just for fun

Online learning

  • Youtube and free subscriptions are everywhere – on all sorts of topics. I pick things that interest me – either to do with websites, or something arty.

Affiliate websites

  • I have a series of websites that have been ticking along for a while now ( including this one) and have a bit of a tinker with them and change the look, update content, and any adds that are showing on them. Software updates etc. seem to always be needed.

Zoom meetings and Online Experiences

  • With my art friends. We try to catch up on a monthly basis on Zoom now and talk about what we have been up to.
  • Also I recently experienced recent cooking class with my family. ( It was great we had 12 family members on Zoom – half in Texas, USA and the rest in Melbourne Australia.)
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  • Trying to make different meals – experimenting with recipes
  • So far I have made donuts and bread – something I have never bothered doing
  • Digging out old Womens Weekly recipe books.


  • Family and friend chats – Snapchat or Facetime
  • Phone calls – with family and friends that don’t use Facetime


  • I leant how to prune our Japanese Maple for the first time by watching a Youtube video
  • Mowed the lawn for the first time in my life.
  • Pruned the weeping cherry and plum tree too.
  • I try and spend a little bit of  time each day to work on a small area of garden.

Online shopping

  • Necessary items from Bunnings. Fertiliser, new pruners, paint for painting the fence.
  • And self indulgent things like a new pair of earrings.
  • Plenty of time can be wasted looking at Kmart, Bunnings, etc.

Brain Games

  • Have installed a couple of brain improving ( if its possible!) apps and have been playing  a couple of  games everyday. Luminosity and Elevate.

Eating and Drinking too much

  • While I love to exercise and eat well I have found it hard not to indulge in drinking a wine most nights. There is something about not knowing about what the future holds that makes it ok…

Sewing masks and other things

  • With mandatory masks coming into action so did my sewing machine. After about 20 years of hibernation I managed to get it started and just like getting on a bike it all came back to me. Dave needed masks for work. Especially when a co- worker remarked that his surgical mask made it look like he needed a bit of  a bikini wax/ hedge trimming 🙂 He need a big one to cover his face and beard. I found a pattern for “bearded” masks and made him some.
  • Getting the sewing machine out has made me want to get stuck into a project I started awhile back for my daughter. I have already turned her old sporting clothes into squares ready to sew up to make a memorial style quilt. Still yet to get into it however it is now more likely that I know my machine works and I remember how to use it.

Food shopping

  • We have our local shops to go to – all within a 5km radius.

My Hair 

  • It became impossible to get to my hairdresseer – so two things happened. Decision to let the silver shine through and stop dying my hair on a regular basis. I cut my own hair! I watched some you tube videos on how to cut thick curly hair and built up the courage to cut a couple of inches off. It was so simple to do that I have done it a couple of times now. I do plan on going to my hairdresser for a  proper hair cut when I am able to – but instead of getting her to put dye in my hair I might do a treatment instead!

Medical Appointments for Humans and Dogs

A trip to the vet

Our vet is 15 minutes drive away. A letter is required a letter to explain why you are out of the 5km radius of where you live. One of our dogs needs monthly injections for arthritis and lots of other things checked. A trip to the vet is necessary for these reasons.

Medical Appointments Online

I don’t want to go near a Medical Centre or Hospital unless completely necessary. Online appointments are available if you want so its either this or nothing really for me!

Davids  shoulder

Unfortunately Davids shoulder surgery seems to have not gone so well. Its been a long wait to see the surgeon again after a Hydrodialtion injection made no difference too. He is in more pain now that before the surgery! Lack of sleep because of pain is hard to take for anyone. Sleeping tablets seem to only help for short bursts. The surgeons appointment is in a few weeks time and if more surgery is needed hopefully it wont be too far away for the elective surgery to be lifted, once stage 4 has finished! Dave survives with a positive attitude and thoughts!

How much longer will we be in lockdown?

Nobody knows! We get a daily count of new cases and deaths due to COVID19 in the state of Victoria. The numbers are coming down at the moment but who knows what is going to happen in the future.

Hopefully its sooner rather than later! Maybe the middle of September 2020?

What does Stage 4 restrictions mean?

From 6pm on Sunday 2 August, if you live in metropolitan Melbourne, Stage 4 restrictions apply.

A curfew is in place between the hours of 8pm until 5am. This means you must be at your home during these hours. The only reasons to leave home between 8pm and 5am will be work, medical care and caregiving.

The four reasons that you can leave home remain, but further limitations are now in place for:

-shopping for food or other essential items
-exercise (applies to outdoor exercise, and with only one other person)
-permitted work

Caregiving, for compassionate reasons or to seek medical treatment also remains a permitted reason to leave home.

As much as you can, you must stay at home. When you leave home, you must use a face covering, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.

What are the penalties for non-compliance?

Victoria Police can issue on the spot fines of up to $1,652 for individuals and up to $9,913 for businesses for:

  • Refusing or failing to comply with the emergency directions
  • Refusing or failing to comply with a public health risk direction
  • Refusing or failing to comply with the Public Health Directions to provide information.

Fines of up to $20,000 for individuals and $100,000 for businesses are possible through the court system. Individuals who do not wear a face covering and do not have a lawful reason can be fined $200.

Source: www.dhhs.vic.gov.au



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