There are two things about Carnarvon. One is I just can’t pronounce it. I sometimes fluke it and even when David told be an easy way to remember it was to make it rhyme with Marvin I still get mixed up. I manage to make it rhyme with Marvin and its still wrong. Two is that Carnarvon is a very long way from Perth. In fact it is 900 km north of Perth.
You say “Marvin from Ken ar von” I sometimes say “Marvin from Car narrr von“. Either way it gets me every time!
Flat Battery – No Problem
We had planned an early start because of the long drive ahead. Wayne got up extra early to get some ice an do a check of tyre pressures etc. at the servo. This is where the flat battery occurred, no replacements available however managed to jump start it off the other battery. He came back, we got in the car and were on our way.
We were on our way… on the road… the long long road.
The plan was to get a replacement battery in Geraldton which is 419 km north of Perth. We stopped and had lunch and got the replacement battery and were on our way again.
We arrived in Carnarvon ( Wintersun Caravan and Tourist Park ) and set up camp for the first time. We helped put up the tents then cooked some rump on the gas cooktop, had a couple of drinks and then crashed for the night.