Still Staying at home and obeying the rules
I am feeling the monotony of my everyday life being the same. This is the first day I have really felt frustrated at the current restrictions in Melbourne. I thought by now we may have been able to get a bit of normalcy back into our lives. I am used to working from home so that hasn’t changed for me. I go for a daily walk with the dogs – just with a mask on. What I am looking forward to the most is giving our family big hugs. Going out for a drive that is further than 5 km from our home will be fantastic!
Groundhog Day for me in Lockdown – Melbourne, Victoria
The following routine and activities are really the same with a slight variation of my previous post which talked about a typical day in lockdown for me. We are still in lockdown and will be for awhile yet. There are some pretty tough COVID19 goals to reach before everyone is going to be let loose to mingle socially.
I still get up at the same time everyday – the dogs make sure of that. They start barking in the morning anywhere from 5am through to 6.30am most days. My days continue in a similar fashion during the week – breakfast, exercise, work, lunch, work, dinner, bed. Repeat. Weekends tend to be similar, with an occasional trip to the shops for food.
- A daily dose of exercise. I have started doing an online LesMils class called “Bodycombat” and love it. ( its punching and kicking to music ) Still really unco but figure it doesn’t matter as no-one is watching me except the dogs. I am enjoying the challenge of something new and its great for letting out steam!
- Walking the dogs. A small walk around the block. It is nice to get out and get some fresh air too.
- We worked recently we could go for a walk along the river at Warrandyte as it is just in our 5km radius. Only problem everyone else has the same idea. Lots of masked people out walking with their dogs.

- I still have a bit of work coming in from my clients that need website updates. This keeps me busy on most days.
If there is time..or just for fun
Online learning
- Youtube and free subscriptions are everywhere – on all sorts of topics. I pick things that interest me – either to do with websites, or something arty.
Hobby Websites
- I have a series of websites that have been ticking along for a while now ( including this one) and have a bit of a tinker with them and change the look, update content, and any adds that are showing on them. I am guessing that there is going to be a lot of Christmas gifts bought online so I am getting prepared for that. ( and starting to gather ideas for my own Christmas shopping)
Zoom meetings and Online Experiences
- With my art friends. We try to catch up on a monthly basis on Zoom now and talk about what we have been up to.
- Also I recently experienced a cooking class with my family. ( It was great we had 12 family members on Zoom – half in Texas, USA and the rest in Melbourne Australia.)
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- Trying to make different meals – experimenting with recipes
- Trying to eat and cook healthier meals after scoring a low CSIRO score on diet.
- Digging out healthy recipe books for inspiration.
- Family and friend chats – Snapchat or Facetime.
- Phone calls – with family and friends that don’t use Facetime
- Father’s Day in Lockdown. Kidlets organised a beautiful hamper to be delivered from our favorite produce store “Aumanns at Warrandyte”.
- I try and spend a little bit of time each day to work on a small area of garden. It is the most spectacular our garden has ever looked! Spring is delivering beautiful blossoms and lots of bees.
Online shopping
- Plenty of time wasted looking at Kmart, Big W, Target, Bunnings, etc. Have been sending random gifts to family members. Australia Post is struggling to keep up with package deliveries but they seem to arrive eventually.
Brain Games
- Continued to play a couple of games everyday. Luminosity and Elevate. Getting better at some of the games.
Eating and Drinking less
- While I love to exercise, I have found it hard not to indulge in drinking a wine and eating chocolate most nights. Have decided this needs to stop and only indulging weekends. Going well so far.
Food shopping
- We have our local supermarkets to go to – all within a 5km radius. I am only going to the shops about once every week.
Medical Appointments for Humans and Dogs
Both the dogs are getting older and sleep most of the time. A little walk around the block is exhausting them. Fudge has been having ear drops morning and night and after his ears are finally not looking red all the time. I had an appointment for the groomers today, however will have to wait my turn to get another one – when they open up again.

Dave had an MRI on his shoulder this week and saw the Surgeon for the results. The MRI showed heaps of scarring and the next step is to have shoulder hydrodilatation, followed by weeks physio. If this works great, if not surgery may be needed to get rid of the scar tissue.
How much longer will we be in lockdown?
We get a daily count of new cases and deaths due to COVID19 in the state of Victoria. The numbers are coming down at the moment but who knows what is going to happen in the future.
Hopefully its sooner rather than later! Maybe the middle of November 2020?

Victoria’s current restriction levels
- There is a roadmap ( see below) that outlines the steps Victoria is taking to reopen.
- From 11.59pm on Wednesday 16 September Third Step restrictions apply throughout regional Victoria.
- From 11:59pm on Sunday 13 September First Step restrictions apply in metropolitan Melbourne.
- In metropolitan Melbourne you can meet one friend or family member outside for up to 2 hours. In regional Victoria up to ten people from a maximum of two households can meet outdoors.
- If you live alone or are a single parent, you will be able to form a bubble with one person who can visit you at your home.
- Restrictions will be eased when requirements are met and based on Public Health advice. The roadmap to reopening includes dates when it is expected Victoria will meet case number requirements.
- Use of face coverings is mandatory throughout Victoria.
- New South Wales and South Australia have border restrictions in place.
To ensure we can safely step towards COVID Normal the Victorian roadmap to reopening includes conditions for easing restrictions that are linked to each step:
- First step – metropolitan Melbourne moves to the first step at 11:59pm on 13 September.
- Second step – metropolitan Melbourne moves to the second step when the daily average case rate is between 30-50 cases over the previous 14 days. Restrictions won’t change before 28 September. Regional Victoria moves to second step at 11:59pm on 13 September.
- Third step – metropolitan Melbourne moves to the third step when the daily average number of cases is less than 5 state-wide over the previous 14 days and there are less than 5 cases with an unknown source in the last 14 days (state-wide total). Restrictions won’t change before 26 October. Regional Victoria moves to the third step when the daily average case rate in regional Victoria is less than 5 new cases over the previous 14 days and there have been no new cases with unknown source in regional Victoria over the last 14 days.
- Last step – Victoria moves to the last step when there are no new cases for 14 days in Victoria. Restrictions won’t change before 23 November.
- COVID normal – Victoria moves to COVID normal when there are no new cases for 28 days, no active cases in Victoria and no outbreaks of concern in other states or territories.
Can I go on holiday? ( Metro Melbourne)
No. Holidays are not a reason to leave your home. There are only four reasons that you can leave home: shopping for food and essential items, care or caregiving, exercise, and permitted work.
Extra police checks and delays at regional borders
“We will be checking every vehicle that is towing a caravan, a camper trailer or other trailer, towing a boat or jetski or has surfboards or fishing rods or swags,” he said.
“Melbourne residents who try to sneak into regional Victoria to enjoy the relaxing of restrictions in the country have been warned they face fines of almost $5,000.
Regional Victoria’s pubs, cafes, hair salons and caravan parks will be among the venues reopening from Thursday, and there will no longer be restrictions on people leaving their homes.
Victoria Police’s deputy commissioner of regional operations, Rick Nugent, said police would introduce a new offence to deter people from trying to leave Melbourne without a permitted reason.
“We have been advised the fine for that offence will be $4,957,” he said.”

We are so happy that we can now travel up to 25km! We can now meet up outdoors with family members. We haven’t seen our daughters for months now.
From Sunday 11:59pm 18 October 2020 changes are being made to restrictions in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria.
Changes for metropolitan Melbourne
Metropolitan Melbourne is in Second Step restrictions. From 11:59pm 18 October 2020 a number of restrictions are easing. The changes to restrictions include:
- You can now travel up to 25 km from your home or permitted workplace within metropolitan Melbourne. This replaces the 5km rule. Travel to regional Victoria is still only allowed for permitted purposes even if this is within 25 kms. This means you cannot travel into regional Victoria for exercise or recreation.
- You can leave home for any period of time to exercise or see friends and family outdoors. This replaces the two hour limit on these activities. There are no limits on the number of times you can leave home.
- You can meet in a group of up to ten people from a maximum of two households outdoors in a public place to socialise (children under 12 months of age not included in the limit). An outdoor public place means areas accessible to everyone, including local parks and beaches. This replaces the limit of five people from a maximum of two households.
- You can exercise in a group of up to ten people from a maximum of two households outdoors in a public place (personal training is limited to two people plus the trainer). This replaces the limit of five people from a maximum of two households.
- Some outdoor activities can take place in outdoor sport and recreation facilities. Outdoor sport and recreation facilities can open if:
- They are predominantly used for outdoor sport or physical recreation
- There is no equipment for hire or sharing
- Indoor facilities such as change rooms are not permitted for use, however toilet facilities are permitted to open.
- A limit of 10 people from 2 household per group or more than 10 if the entire group is from the same household and you must be able to keep 1.5 metres between yourself and others.
- Restrictions to no more than 10 people in the facility at once except where a distance of at least 100m between groups can be maintained (e.g. golf courses).
- Examples include some outdoor tennis courts, golf courses, or bowling greens.
- More people who work outdoors will be able to return to work. Groups of up to five workers who work outside, including those who do the following types of work can return to on-site work:
- outdoor non-essential home maintenance and repairs, including painting
- outdoor pool and spa maintenance/cleaning for private residences and other outdoor cleaning
- external car washing. This must be contactless and administration offices must remain closed
- mobile pet grooming at residential properties, contactless with strict controls
- outdoor professional photography including school photos (for purposes other than currently permitted purposes, e.g. media, real estate), they must have an ABN.
- letterboxing (for purposes other than local elections).
- Solar power installers
- Hairdressers and barbers will be able to recommence work. This includes operating mobile businesses and at home businesses, if they are registered, have separate entrances, and COVIDSafe practices.
- Allied health providers that are currently listed on the permitted work premised list will be able to return to delivering all routine care
- Hydrotherapy can resume between one health care professional and one client in indoor pools. No group sessions will be permitted and there will maximum of 10 people per pool at one time for hydrotherapy (five health care professionals and five clients).
- The maximum number of people permitted to use outdoor swimming pools for exercise has been increased by the density quotient to a maximum of 30 people.
- Real estate auctions, both residential and commercial will be permitted outdoors with a limit of 10 people, plus the minimum number of people required to conduct the auction.
- Commercial real estate pre-arranged inspections with 1 agent and 1 prospective purchaser or tenant.
- Additional changes to retail, hospitality and personal services will be made from 1 November, in line with the advice of our public health team.
Changes for regional Victoria
Regional Victorian remains in Third Step restrictions. From 11:59pm 18 October 2020 some restrictions are easing. The changes to restrictions include:
- You can have up to two people visit you at home each day. Infants under 12 months are not included in this cap, and other dependents can also attend if they cannot be left unattended or cared for in another setting. The two people may be from different households. This replaces the household bubbles.
- Libraries and toy libraries can open for up to 20 people indoors. No more than 10 people can gather in a space (for example for a class). The one person per four square metre rule Signage, cleaning and record-keeping requirements apply.
- Outdoor religious gatherings are allowed for up to 20 people plus one faith leader. This replaces the limit of ten people. This includes ceremonies, with no sharing of food, drink, crockery, utensils, vessels or other equipment by participants.
- The limits of people in restaurants and cafes increases. You can have up to 70 people outdoors and up to 10 people per indoor space with a maximum of 40 people per venue indoors. The two and four square metre rules apply. Indoor spaces must be separated by permanent structures (should reach floor to ceiling or be at least 2.1 metres high) or be a discrete area of the premises. Businesses must continue to ensure people from metropolitan Melbourne do not eat-in.
- Indoor swimming pools can open exclusively for those aged 18 and under. There is a limit of 20 customers in the pool or the one person per four square metre rule (whichever is the smaller number of people).One parent/guardian/carer per child is permitted for supervision purposes and not included in the limit. Swimming classes can resume.
- Indoor pools can open for one-on-one hydrotherapy sessions with a limit of 10 people in the pool at one time.
- Licensed tourism services that use open-air vehicles only are permitted to operate. A vehicle, inclusive of roofed vehicles, is considered an open-air vehicle if at least two sides are open to airflow at all times.
Restrictions easing from 11:59pm 27 October 2020
Metropolitan Melbourne moves to Third Step restrictions from 11:59pm on 27 October. This means:
- There are no restrictions on the reasons to leave home. If you live in metropolitan Melbourne you can still only travel 25kms.
- If you can’t work from home, you can go to work, and you do not need to carry a permit. However, you still need a permit to travel between metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria for work or study. If you can work from home, you must continue to work from home.
- You can see friends and family outdoors in a public place in a group of up to 10 people.
- You can have up to two people from the same household visit you at your home. You can only have one visit a day – this means once a day you can visit someone’s home or have them visit you at your home. Children and dependants are not included in this cap. The two people must be from the same household and visit together. You can only visit people within 25km of your home. It is strongly recommended you keep your mask on when visiting friends and family. By wearing a mask, you can help keep them and you safe.
- Shops can open. While shopping you need to respect the limit of allowed patrons in a shop. This limit on patrons is in place to ensure everyone in the shop can keep 1.5 metres distance.
- Personal care and body art services can open. They can only offer services where the customer can wear a face mask during the entire service. Home-based businesses may also open, as long as they meet the required COVIDSafe rules.
- Cafes and restaurants will open, with limits of people – 20 indoors (10 per indoor space) and 50 outdoors. Business owners can find more information on current restrictions and how to keep their staff and customers safe.
- Non-contact sport outdoors can resume for adults. Non-contact means you must be able to keep 1.5 metres between everyone. Sport is limited to the minimum number of people to needed to play. For example, cricket may be played with two teams of eleven players and the necessary coaching personnel and umpires.
- For people aged 18 and under contact and non-contact sport outdoors can resume. Sport is limited to the minimum number of people needed to play.
- You can exercise outdoors in a group of up to 10 people. A trainer is allowed in addition to this limit.
- You can have an outdoor wedding with up to 10 people. This limit includes the couple and two witnesses. It doesn’t include the celebrant or photographer. If a wedding is held at a private residence, private gathering restrictions apply.
- Funerals are allowed with up to 20 people. This limit doesn’t include babies under 12 months of age, or the people required to conduct the funeral. If a funeral is held at a private residence, private gathering restrictions apply.
- Outdoor religious gatherings near a place of worship for up to 20 people plus a faith leader are allowed. Indoor religious ceremonies are allowed with up to 10 people plus a faith leader. While attending a religious gathering or ceremony there are steps you need to take to keep yourself and others safe including not sharing food, drink or items.
- Some outdoor entertainment venues can open.
- Accommodation remains closed for the purposes of holidaying.
- Retail, hospitality and certain entertainment venues will be able to have staff onsite to prepare for reopening from 26 October. This should be limited to the number of staff required. Permits will not be required for these workers.
- Restrictions on travelling into regional Victoria remain. Businesses including hospitality, personal services and tourism venues in regional areas must continue to check IDs. Gyms are also now required to check place of residence before providing services.
- Face masks are still required when leaving home.
- Workforce capacity limits on manufacturing, construction, medical, pharmaceutical and PPE supply sectors are removed. Site visit limits on specialist contractors are also removed.
- Tours in outdoor spaces may resume with groups of up to 10 people, plus the minimum number of people required to conduct the tour. Tours in indoor spaces are not permitted.
- Tour transport is permitted in open air vehicles, for groups of up to 10 people, plus the minimum number of people required to conduct the tour.